Appleton Roebuck Preschool Groups AGM 2022

Appleton Roebuck Preschool Groups (ARPG) is a charitable organisation and is managed by a board of trustees. Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is also being held  on Monday 18 July at 7:30pm.

This is a short, informative meeting. As a parent, you are automatically a member of ARPG which means you can vote for who becomes a trustee at the AGM or stand to be a trustee yourself.  Without our many fantastic volunteers helping as trustees, committee members and in other ways, Preschool would not be able to run the way that it does so we really appreciate any time and help that you can give.

The AGM will be followed by drinks and a chance to meet other parents, staff, and volunteers – without children running around! It’s a great opportunity to chat to everyone involved with our group and we really hope you will join us. 

Thank you!

The agenda, latest report and accounts and details of trustees standing for election are available below;

Appleton Roebuck Pre-school Groups AGM

From: Chris Marriott, Chair, Appleton Roebuck Preschool Groups ([email protected])

Date: 18 July 2022

Time: 7.30pm

at Appleton Roebuck Parish Rooms


  1. Welcome
  2. Receipt of the Annual Accounts and Annual Report
  3. Election of Trustees for 2022



Pre-school drinks in the Parish Rooms

Appleton Roebuck Preschool Groups – Election of Trustees and Officers, AGM 18th July 2022

The following individuals have so far indicated their willingness to stand for election at the AGM in July:

Trustee – Victoria Rothwell (Family Member) 

Vic lives in Appleton Roebuck with her husband and three children. Her youngest child attends Pre-school.  Vic is standing for election for the first time. 

The following individuals have so far indicated their willingness to remain in office:

Chair – Chris Marriott (Family Member, appointed April 2021) 

Chris’ two children currently attend pre-school. Chris became joined ARPG as Chair in 2021. 

Trustee/ Nominated Ofsted Person – Marie Burke (Affiliate Member, May 2022)

Marie recently re-joined Appleton Roebuck Pre-school as our Pre-school Manager.  She is a trustee of ARPG and our Ofsted Nominated Person.

The following individuals have indicated their intention to step down from office at the AGM in July:

Treasurer – Lynn Songhurst (Affiliate Member, appointed February 2021)

Lynn is a former primary school teacher and auditor and a resident of Appleton Roebuck.  She became a trustee in 2021 and recently became our Treasurer.  

Trustee – Kerry Perks

Trustee – Laura Herbert

Trustee – Keith Hunter


The following individuals have indicated their intention to step down from office in September:

Secretary – Louise Holmes (Family Member, appointed October 2020)

Louise’s daughter currently attends preschool. Louise will remain a trustee for a short time and will hand over the Secretary role following a handover period).  

AGM 18th July 730pm